Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Up in Smoke

In response to Mark’s post “*Cough*” he explains his view on the impact of second hand smoke.

From the beginning of Mark’s post he brings a picture into my mind of exactly what I think when I walk by a cloud of cigarette smoke. The smell of cigarettes is nauseating to me and as he stated “I don't even want to think about what it's doing to my lungs.”

As Mark goes on he brought reliable facts from the American Cancer Society website on how harmful second hand smoke really is. I didn’t even know that the number of fatalities tied to second hand smoke was so high! It’s scary to think how many times I may have walked past someone that was smoking and how much of an impact it can have on a person. I know some people can’t kick the habit, but as Mark had explained going off campus can benefit us nonsmokers and leave smokers to do their own thing. 

I appreciate that he showed there is a solution to the problem of second hand smoke by bringing up ACC and how they banned smoking on campus. I agree that this was a great decision and I am glad I can walk into class without harming my health or smelling like a pack of cigarettes.

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